Saturday, February 19, 2011

Trade #5 - A TV w/Xbox , Halo and Two(2) Controllers DVD Bundle

Hello anyone who this may concern! This time I truly believed my Paperclip Trade was officially over, until 6 days ago I received a facebook post by Jeremy Shaw asking what I was interested in for the PSP w/Charger. I threw some ideas out at him (Itouch/ipod, TV, Old Gaming system, Etc) SO Jeremy agreed on the trade originally for an Ipod Nano and a TV of which he didn't use anymore. So a few days go by and we had to alter the agreement as Jeremy misplaced his Ipod, thus the Xbox. So today I woke up early this morning, got dressed for work, and headed out in a snowstorm to go meet up with Jeremy around 9:45 A.M. (EST obv.) and we exchanged there outside of his work Smiths Restaurant Supply Co. as you can see from the picture it was VERY COLD!!! and yet back on track... I'm one step closer to my goal, slowly but surely...

Well here are the new guys, both work perfectly fine! Special thanks to my Mom for taking the time to help clean both of these items and make them look pretty :P The Xbox does indeed come with Two Controllers and all the cables needed to hook up to a TV to be played. It also comes with the original Halo and the DVD add on! So you can play Halo, and/or watch your favorite DVD's with this! Note: The disk tray is kinda dumb, every time I put a disk in it would tell me it couldn't read it, but if you just open the disk tray and close it again it works fine...

The Halo Title Screen
 Here are some more pictures of the Xbox and TV in action!
Showing off the DVD function!
(Spiderman DVD not included, sorry)

The Original Xbox Dashboard!

So now what? Well you gotta' trade me! Anything you think is bigger or better than a TV w/Xbox, Halo and Two (2) Controllers DVD Bundle, it's up to you readers! And with that I conclude this post!

Also as always, If you'd like always contact me for a trade! My email is... 

Also as always, nota bene: If you can help me spread the word, by posting this link on your facebook account for others to see, that would be much appreciated, because I do not know how much longer I can keep this trade rolling with just me advertising! Thanks again! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trade #4 - A PSP w/ Charger

Well with the feeling that my journey had ended prematurely, I had spammed my facebook page with one last advertisement for my paperclip trade just after about a week of no responses, and to my surprise I got an offer! I had gotten a message from a friend, Jared Bechard, and he said that He'd trade for the gameboy for the PSP and charger, because he doesn't use it anymore and that he liked the idea of the paperclip trade. I gladly accepted his offer, and today Monday, October 25th I have now traded a paperclip for a rookie card, then an gameboy, and now a PSP... I'm kind of getting leery about these electronic hand held devices though, but I wouldn't mind trading this PSP for like an Iphone or maybe a decent size TV, or a blu ray player of some kind, or an Xbox360, or PS3 :D ...

ANYWAYS back on track the PSP does come with a charger, when and if we trade It will be fully charged  just like the Game Boy... In fact I'm charging the PSP right now as you can also see in the picture, it does indeed work and is in great condition all the buttons are responsive and includes a 32MB Memory Stick Duo, and a Sampler disc for PSP Vol. 1, and of course the charger, the only fault to this trade is that the little top to the joy stick is missing, but that's not a really big problem, because you can always go out and buy them they come in different colors now too... So yeah 4 trades and counting I'm pretty psyched to trade with more people hopefully someone will want this PSP, and with that I conclude this post!

Also as always, If you'd like always contact me for a trade! My email is... 

Also nota bene: If you can help me spread the word, by posting this link on your facebook account for others to see, that would be much appreciated, because I do not know how much longer I can keep this trade rolling with just me advertising! Thanks again! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Trade #3 - A Nintendo GameBoy SP

Well the other day in my Business Owners class, I was talking about my paper clip trade to the teacher. So far it had only been the paperclip for the Joe Sakic Rookie Card, but a kid in my class was amazed by the idea of this paperclip trade he first offered me an old Gameboy for the Rookie Card. At first I laughed it off thinking he was joking, but he was 100% serious and as of today this kid, Luke, traded me His Gameboy SP for my Joe Sakic Rookie card. This morning at school Luke had forgotten the Gameboy, but luckily for me, I have a car, so I took Luke home from school and we traded, I also met his Mom, who is an incredibly nice lady, but yeah back on the subject... I'm a step closer, and on my way to the top! (Also nota bene: Luke plays football for our school, he is #55 incase you are blind.) 

Here is the Gameboy Sp as you can see it is cobalt, and has had some weather damage, but it's kind of old now so that's expected, what you don't see is the battery pack addition which is suppose to give it like... 10 or 20% more life, so that's cool! Also as you can see it works, AND I'm currently charging it, BTW (No Charger included if we trade, I'm sorry that's how I got it.) But when you receive it, it will be fully charged, unfortunately... I don't believe the Light functions any longer, I've tried hitting the button and nothing happens... So yeah... Three Trades so far and if you told me about two weeks ago I'd trade a Red Paperclip for a SP, I would have laughed at you in the face, and possibly shunned you for the rest of my life... jk, and with that I conclude this post!

Also If you'd like always contact me for a trade! My email is...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trade # 2 - A Joe Sakic Rookie Card (Hockey)

Alright, So in the woods (Don't ask me why I was in the woods, I was just walking in the woods.) I found this guy who was painting and offered to trade him for a Red Paperclip, He gladly accepted in return for his handy dandy Joe Sakic Rookie Card. It's a pretty awesome trade if you're really into Hockey, you'll know who Joe Sakic is.

So, now I have up for trade A Joe Sakic Rookie Card, I believe it's kinda rare, I'm not really into Hockey, but I know Joe Sakic has been playing for like 30 years and had recently retired as of last year. (I'd love at the end of my journey, like if I get a house or something, for Joe Sakic to come and like autograph the house or something lol.) And with that I conclude this post.

Also If you'd like to contact me my email is...

Or if you happen to be out painting in the woods, I may have to trade with you. Until next time!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trade #1 - A Red Paperclip

Trade #1 - A Red Paperclip

Alright, in honor of Kyle MacDonald, I too will start my journey 
with a single Red Paperclip! It's in your guy's hands now! 
So who wants to trade me for a Red Paperclip?

Want to contact me? 
it's best to contact me via email


Introduction of my Paperclip Trade


Well I was never really into this entire blogging thing, but I think I may jump on the bandwagon, because I'm interested in doing a little experiment called the "Paperclip Trade". Now this has been done before, way before I could have comprehended such an idea. My inspiration comes from Kyle MacDonald, whom at the time traded a Red Paperclip for a fish shaped pen, then a ceramic knob, a camping stove, a generator, a beer keg and Budweiser Sign, a Snowmobile, a trip to the Canadian Rockies, a Supply Truck, and a recording contract, and then got a years paid rent in Phoenix, then he traded it to spend a day with Alice Cooper, then a Kiss Snow Globe, then he traded that for a movie role, and then he traded the movie role finally for a two-story farmhouse in Kipling, Saskatchewan. So now that you know the basis of his story, wont you help me get this paperclip trade started?

How it Works

Basically, as long as this entire project doesn't backfire, I'll be trading a paperclip, in return for another object that is greater/bigger than a paperclip. It's that easy! The hardest part of it will be sending the objects to and from another person, because unlike Kyle MacDonald, I do not have the time to travel to place to place trading other people, unless of course things start to lift off (Which I'm very uncertain of myself that it will.) So for the first few waves of trading I'll want to stay within my state of New York.

With Your Help

Hopefully I can get a lot of support from people like yourselves to help promote my journey, like Kyle MacDonald had. Especially with all the social networking we have out today, even posting the link to this blog once on your facebook page would be more than enough of an effort to help me get this trade started up. So please help me!